The Regional Enforcement Action Capabilities Team (REACT) supports investigations and "high-risk" enforcement operations within the United States. REACT is comprised of three Regional Teams that currently entails a Team Commander, Deputy Commander, Supervisory Special Agent, and numerous REACT operators. REACT personnel are trained in diverse tactical disciplines, to include operational planning, intelligence gathering, precision marksmanship, breaching, hostage rescue, dynamic and covert entry techniques, personal security operations, and a variety of other disciplines. REACT personnel utilize a variety of specialty tools and weapons to perform their missions. The use of REACT personnel, when necessary and appropriate, enhances the safety of the public, NCIS personnel, other law enforcement personnel, and the subjects of NCIS investigations. The REACT program promotes overall survivability and increases the probability of operational safety and success.
REACT was designed to respond to high-risk operations that involve the service of arrest and search warrants, undercover agent and source protection/rescue, buy/bust and undercover operations, rural operations, high-risk surveillance and high-risk protective assignments, etc. As part of this program, REACT incorporates the skills of highly-trained precision marksmen, the utilization of Hostage/Crisis Negotiators and precision weapons systems, protective service operations, quick reaction or response to natural disasters and public safety concerns. REACT will support autonomous and joint agency investigations and operations wherein exclusive tactical proficiencies and specialized equipment are required. This support includes collaboration with affected military commands.