Home : About NCIS : Mission : Partnership Initiatives : Crime Reduction Program

As members of communities around the world, military personnel and their families may face a wide range of criminal behavior. These threats are symptomatic of communities everywhere, though the challenges of deployment and extended separations can impose additional stress of military families and create additional opportunities for crime to surface. When crime impacts military families, it can directly impact readiness, which is why NCIS proactively engages military communities worldwide to reduce the potential for crime. 

Since 2008, NCIS has partnered with the Office of the Judge Advocate General, public affairs elements, the Family Advocacy Program, the Chaplain Corps, and other Department of the Navy entities on a quarterly basis to conduct an awareness campaign targeting military personnel and families on a specific criminal threat.

Each campaign uses command briefings and community outreach events provide an overview of the crime and highlight key precursors of victimization. By focusing on a particular problem and approach during the course of each campaign, NCIS and its partners speak with one voice to address crime proactively, educating and increasing awareness among military families by providing a full range of information and resources.