How do I report a Sexual Assault directly to NCIS?
Victims of sexual assault are welcome to make a report directly to NCIS. When you report directly to NCIS, we will assist you in receiving support services through a SARC or FAP Counselor, and will notify those in a “need to know” position in the command (typically the O-6 level Commanding Officer).
Visit or call a local NCIS office. Click
here to see the location, address and phone number of each NCIS Field Office. If you do not see an office in your specific location, please call the closest NCIS Field Office to you and we will make arrangements for an agent to speak with you. If you have been assigned a SARC, FAP Counselor, Victim Advocate, or VLC, they can also assist you in making contact with NCIS.
Submit a Tip to NCIS. NCIS Tips is a web and mobile application that can be used to safely, discreetly, and anonymously report criminal activity and force protection threats affecting the Navy and Marine Corps. NCIS Tips is also an alternative method to report sexual assault directly to NCIS. Click
here to file a report anytime and anywhere, include your contact information, and an NCIS agent will contact you to schedule an interview and gather more information about your report.